Five Nights at Freddy's : Minecraft Edition [FNaF : MCE]
5 years ago

Version 1.0.0 Released! [Patch Notes and Poll]

Hey guys! Zexo/Jay here!

As of this post going live, Version 1.0.0 is out! We hope you guys enjoy the new version! Please remember, if you happen to run into any bugs, please report it using the link in the description of the game! Before the Patch notes however, I made a poll asking if you guys would like to see a video of us going older versions (going farther back than the closed beta) and us showing a bit of behind the scenes on how the game runs, and with a preview of the Android version!

Five Nights at Freddy's Minecraft Edition :

Version 1.0.0 [Patch Notes] :

What's New? -

• Custom Night Game Mode + Scoreboard

- 5 Animatronics with a max difficulty of 10 for each

- Able to change the Level of Power Drain

• Added a disclaimer due to the fact that logging into GameJolt saves the login info locally (Logging out/Resetting the game will clear this local file)

• Added tips that will display during the Loading Screens

- Tips can be toggled via the settings

• The game will now automatically check for updates if connected to the internet

- If unable to connect within a certain amount of time, it will spit back an error.

• Deaf Mode

- When enabling Deaf Mode, 3 arrows will now point when someone is at the door and will disappear when they leave. (Doing Rush Mode or Custom Night with this option on will reduce your score by 150 Per Night in Rush Mode and 500 in Custom Night)

• Added 2 new trophies

• Patch Notes

- By clicking on the version number on the main menu, you can see the Patch Notes for the new version

What's Changed? -

• When beating Nights 1-5 and Night 6, something will now be displayed instead of just being sent back to the main menu

• When the music box runs out there will be a warning symbol that will always appear

• Freddy will now laugh when in the door due to him not always appearing in the door

- Due to the multiple warnings for Freddy, he will now attack a bit faster when in the doorway compared to the other animatronics

• Tweaked the AI for Nights 1-5, 6, and Rush Mode

• Tweaked the time it takes to repair the door

• Tweaked assets to help reduce loading times

• Tweaked power drain for Nights 1 - 6

• Tweaked power drain for Rush Mode

• Increased the rate that the Music Box drains at

• You can now switch between the Rush Mode and Custom Night scoreboards in the extra menu

• You can now cancel the Save Deletion by pressing ESCAPE

• Updated the Night Score and Final Score GUI for Rush Mode

• Updated the GUI for pulling up the Camera Monitor, and Repair Monitor

• Updated the GUI for winding the Music Box

• Updated the GUI for muting the call in Nights 1-4

• Updated the Game's Icon

Bug Fixes -

• Fixed a bug that caused the Power Counter to roll over during Nights 6 and Night 6 in RUsh Mode

• Fixed a bug that prevented the scores from Rush Mode from appearing on the scoreboard

• Fixed a bug that prevented Exo from activated from Nights 3 - 6 and Rush Mode

• Fixed a bug that caused the Power Drain for Night 6 to activate on Nights 1-5, and the Power Drain from Nights 1-5 activate on Night 6


  18 votes Voting finished



Next up

Update [12.23.19] - 2.0 Pre-Release 1 Available for Closed Beta Testers NOW! + 5 Closed Beta Tester Keys giveaway! [CLOSED]

FNaF : MCE [New Build] 12.5.19

Update [12.13.19] - Updates on the Mobile Version & Version 2.0!

11.28.19 - Wounded Tempest : Mage Adventures - New Placeholders Pixel Art

Merry Christmas!!! - From everyone at StarTwistGames

Beta Key Giveaway Winners!



After several days of work, I decided to post a screenshot comparing the first prototype of Pixel:Core to the current version! Needless to say, it looks a lot better now