Changed the splash screen to be the one used in PBJ.
The game now incorporates the language system from MBA and PBJ.
You can now click Valentine in the menu.
Optimized the way Valentine's graphics are loaded.
Changed the window titles to be less shitty
Changed something about Quickie. I don't know how to word it, so.... yeah.
Fixed a bug where if you picked up the crystal in front of the gate and had all other crystals, the gate wouldn't open until you reloaded the room
The background in the boss fight now tints itself red in the second phase.
The non-feather-circle attacks now speed up in the boss's second phase.
You now get healed after beating the boss. It's not helpful, but it looks cleaner.
The transition from the final room to the ending is much more seemless.
The chair in the "You win!" screen now bobs up and down.
Fixed a bug where you could restart the credits music by clicking the bottom-right corner of the screen.
The credits now show your stats when finished instead of closing the game.