Shadow Nights
1 year ago

Version 1.0.1

Bugs Fixed -

  • Fixed a bug where you could use the panel while in the door

  • Fixed a bug where you could reload Pierro's music while the cameras were not active

Additions -

  • New Lucho Character

  • A button in the secret night

  • Now the "Human Wrath" challenge is more difficult



Next up

ohhh fuck i missed the demo's birthday by 2 days

uhhh pepsi

You don't know what's coming

I wonder what game Fantasy Shad has been up to these past few days, looks like it catched the other fantasy characters' attention too...


That was creepy.

Showtime Fabri is happy :D

@MarineBlue hihihihhieheitjiejirj

little fact: the characters model are referred as the ''Fantasy'' characters, to differenciate the character name from the owner

i just wanted to point that out


itz shat

Happy Birthday, Shadow Nights!