Rayman Redemption

4 years ago

Version 1.1.0 has been released.
Included is a new difficulty mode for those who are looking for a great challenge!

-New difficulty mode called 'Demise'
-Added an option to turn off the skid sound effect
-Bzzit medallions will also turn golden when all collectibles have been found
-Level best time is now saved and displayed on the map

-Delay after helipunching
-True boss rush icons represent the true boss colours
-Altered Darker Mr. Dark's true boss rush colours
-Altered the cabin boys' sprites
-More bosses having a chance to softlock when pause spamming
-Decreased the volume of loud music tracks
-Added some hint sparkles to obscure gendoors
-Cheat related crash
-Small Rayman related softlock in Brain Games
-Super heli related clip
-Removed invisible wall from the lonely cliffs
-Helicoptering to the run curse would disable jump
-Timers now display minutes
-Bossrush pause taking you back to the map




Next up

It's time for a Redemption. Tune in THIS FRIDAY at 6pm UTC to watch the release trailer of Rayman Redemption and find out WHEN the game will release!

The Anniversary Update is here! (Version 1.3.0)

This update includes a bunch of extra stuff which was requested over the course of 2021. Full changelog below. As usual, don't hesitate to report bugs and glitches.

Version 0.1.0 of Rayman ReDesigner has been released! Check it out from it's own Gamejolt page and don't forget to give feedback!

"Final fixes and additions" -update is on it's way!

If you have any ideas, fixes, etc in mind, share them here. Still no guarantee I'll implement them, but I'd still like to hear what you guys have in mind.

Tune in this friday to check out a video which showcases some of the things that will be in the Final Fixes and Additions update:

Version 1.1.4 has been released.

This update only fixes one bug that was introduced in the previous update. I couldn't leave it hanging, since it was progress preventing. Let's hope this is the last one!

I forgot to increment the version number in 1.0.3. You just gotta BELIEVE it's 1.0.3 now.

That's right. After 3 years of development. Rayman Redemption will release NEXT FRIDAY! 19.6.2020!

Version 1.1.2 has been released.

This update includes fixes I forgot to implement for 1.1.1.

Version 1.1.1 has been released.

This update mostly focuses on fixing some bugs and glitched reported since the last update.