Five Nights Among Us
3 years ago

Version 1.1

  • I decided to change the title "Five Nights At Among Us" to "Five Nights Among Us" after looking at some comments about it

  • Impostors AI rework

  • Fixed minor bugs



Next up

Ultima review de esta pagina, nos mudaremos, este es un antes y un despues del menu

Testing lights and other things, i'm "new" in this type of renders

Modelando :D

Pero bueno, que nos estamos encontrando? :)

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧…

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

Successful landing


I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?