LISA The Vegaful - Sindy Gallows Overhaul

2 years ago

Version 1.4 is out!

Merged this with the 1.3 patch because it actually has a lot of changes now.

Note: I decided against giving rake Jerry the hat moves despite the poll saying otherwise, as it trivializes the usage of bat Jerry.



Next up

Yuuto Ichika Garth.

Yuuto Ichikarth?


whatever you wanna call him.

...what do you mean you don't know who Yuuto Ichika is?

Version 1.1 is out!

Version 1.3 is out!

elon is such a fucking loser lmao

couldn't handle being called out for liking weird shit

contest is over!

congrats to @Klazikur_ for winning

2nd is still huge considering what I put on my entry (which you'll see) and the fact that I had to deal with the flu throughout it

expect a video (and probably frug stream) very soon!!!

Marisa Lisa.

Malisa Kirisamstrong.

(I could've gone for Terry and called him Terrisa instead but no I wanted to make Malisa)

Version 1.2 is out!

Reimu Brad.

Bradmu Armkurei.

Patchouli Jack.

Jackouli Knowledge.

look at him go, he's so eager to learn magic!!!

this one is @Deez337 's character

Kasen Draco.

Kasen Ibaraco?

not a very good name, this one.