LISA The Vegaful - Sindy Gallows Overhaul

2 years ago

why do i keep updating my old games and not making new ones? who knows...




Next up

Marisa Lisa.

Malisa Kirisamstrong.

(I could've gone for Terry and called him Terrisa instead but no I wanted to make Malisa)

Version 1.2 is out!

yeesh all these bug fixes have left a sour taste in my mouth

so allow me to remind you that the current version of heart squad revamp has brand spanking new knocked down sprites courtesy of the lovely @vulture_salesman

hey look the person I wrote on Garth's paper took notice

Reimu Brad.

Bradmu Armkurei.

Yuuto Ichika Garth.

Yuuto Ichikarth?


whatever you wanna call him.

...what do you mean you don't know who Yuuto Ichika is?

Version 1.3 is out!

and finally, this one is @Yoshi_The_Pyrosaur 's

Sakuya Yoshi.

Sakuyoshi the Meidosaur.

the most ridiculous, yet beautiful one of them all.

Patchouli Jack.

Jackouli Knowledge.

look at him go, he's so eager to learn magic!!!

Version 1.4 is out!

Merged this with the 1.3 patch because it actually has a lot of changes now.

Note: I decided against giving rake Jerry the hat moves despite the poll saying otherwise, as it trivializes the usage of bat Jerry.