Anjelo's Province
9 years ago

Vinesauce Vs. Anjelo's Province

On a Vinesauce stream that I (sadly) missed, Vinny was sent a bundle of “Shitty Mario Games,” or fangames of low quality originating presumably from MFGG. Among those games is Anjelo’s Province, serving as the first game of Part 2.

I ain’t even mad.

“The Beatles would have never made Sargeant Pepper…
President Kennedy would still be with us today…
President Clinton would have never gotten that Blowjob in the oval office…
Very different world…”



Next up

Successful landing


Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Showing off player 2 😎

What do you think?


These are background sprites I've created for a game I'm working on at school ^w^ Click on the post to see how the sprites connect. You won't regret it! (personally, I think it's pretty heheh)

Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

Alone Together....

Made my first ever animation.

Let me introduce you to the new Mech line: Gendai Spec. Those are Mech that specializes in surprise attacks, covered operations, and stealth. They are equipped with melee weapons but one of Gendai's frames supports sniper rifles.

Path of Kami, running around the shrine area

Coming Soon...