
6 years ago

VOID_r Now Available!

Hello everyone!

VOID_r 1.0.0 is now available for everyone to download! Go ahead and play it!
This a rather obvious announcement but I just wanna use it for the next part:

What’s next!

So, I plan to release updates for VOID_r and here’s what i want to change/implement:

  • Difficulty Tweaks (Important)

  • Bonus acts/DLCs (Obviously Important)

  • Bug Fixes (Important)

  • Make Your Difficulty Level (Important)

  • Boss Tweaks (Important)

  • Challenge/Speedrun Modes (Important)

  • More Sound Effects (Bit less important)

  • Controller support (Medium Importance)

  • More Tips (Not very important)
    And here’s a sneak peak at the nearest upcoming versions:
    1.0.X - Bugfixes + Difficulty Tweaks
    1.1.0 - Challenge/Speedrun Modes
    Expect a next devlog about version 1.0.X in the nearest week!



Next up

VOID_r's Third Boss - The Head

It's working! (Update in 2 days, more info on Twitter)

VOID_r Update 1.0.8 - In Fear of the Void

VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End

VOID_r Release informations (Hype)


VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…

VOID_r Update 1.1.5 - Challenge the Void