Да кстати, я выложил игру в Itch.io
By the way, I posted the game on Itch.io
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С 14 февраля
Happy Valentine's Day
Спрайты врага и босса второго уровня. Sprites of the enemy and boss of the second level.
Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!
Mother Boss of the second level
Thanks to @TeamHalfBeard , it is Time to Morp.
Begin to Morp in your quest log and then Morp more here: https://bit.ly/time2morp
King Knight
The Ancient Lord
Version 0.1.2 released! -Expanded levels -New enemies -New Bosses -A couple of sprites have been changed Версия 0.1.2 вышла! -Расширенные уровни -Новые враги -Новые боссы -Изменено пару спрайтов