Bebder Game: Bebder Than the Rest

1 year ago



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The number 1 Anti-Wendy's RPG game in the world is now rebooted and Bebder than ever before! Experience the classic story on why Bebder hates Wendy's so much with remastered classic areas as well as brand new ones!

Bebder Game: Bebder Than the Rest’s brand new title screen! I am honestly really proud of how it turned out!

"Vampiric eyes looking at flames with determination"

I enjoy drawing eyes, so I made this. They belong to the main character of my game. Fire will be a main theme in the second part of the story. #pixelart #rpgmaker

Bebder Game: Bebder Than the Rest Join Bebder in his Anti-Wendy's adventures and help him assassinate the CEO of Wendy's once and for all!

(Game still in development) Download here!:

I just realized that WE'VE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS ✨❤❤ Thanks to everyone for so much support and for that you deserve 5 extra ralsei images in addition to today's :D!

You should play Bebder Game: Bebder Than the Rest for free here! It is the world's number 1 Anti-Wendy's RPG game that has been in the works for 3 years now! Since September 6th the 3rd Anniversary Edition has been available!

Bebder Game: Bebder Than the Rest

A follower asked for more pictures of Niko and Ralsei, so here they are :D

Daily ralsei day 90

These posts are not long enough for everything I want to say about my game, but here are some cool sprites for Bebder Game's reboot I am actively working on now!