General in Deltarune

Make own decisions leads you to the light!

Yo this is the plush cibles should have been shocked by but let her be her but this thing… (kill this thing with fire)

Well like I have mentioned earlier in a normal post I did some footage for a trailer don’t expect it to be too appealing but it’s atleast something after April is over again I’ll be on YouTube only along side with working on the sprite sheets for ceroba

Noelle is my favorite Deltarune character & Monster Kid (MK) is my favorite Undertale character.

. . . expect future fan-art of this.

Know what we call the Switch Soulmode? Endurance and/or Adament. Why a proper Name? Why not is the better question.

Reason why is because its Both Red/Determination, and Cyan/Patience. You think Endurance/Adament is a good Name for the Switch Soulmode?

Thanks to all that have checked out the demo so far! It means a lot to me and my team!

I hope you liked some of the references and the utg cameo as well!

[Spoiler] Check down below for the whole utg cameo scene!