Red Eclipse
8 years ago

Watch some videos ...

… see how much fun Red Eclipse can be!

Alxa, Red Eclipse duel tournament commentator, has published another short video. A good reason to mention his work here. The six videos he has uploaded so far capture the dynamics of the game very well, and they also showcase some of the advanced action you rarely see in other videos about Red Eclipse. There’s mine hugs, sword frenzy, crazy parkour scope shots, buckshot sniping… a lot of crazy and stylish moves to discover.

Note that some of the videos use graphics settings for competitive gameplay, e.g. player models may have higher contrast for best visibility, but less of the prettier shading.

For further reading, see this topic.




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Project Update: Work in progress user interface overhaul!

GitHub organisation rename

Release: v1.6.0 (Sunset Edition)

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RELEASE: Red Eclipse v1.5.8 "Elysium Edition" (Patch 2)

Red Eclipse 2 launches on December 19th 2019 on Steam (and GameJolt). Too excited to wait? Jump on our Discord and @ Quin for a Steam key to get early access!

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i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-