Baby's Circus Masquerade

8 months ago

We're sorry that we can't post anything new this saturday. Our team is made of 2 people and we both were busy this week. We have still been making progress developing the game! We'll have a nice little video for you next saturday. So stay tuned for that!



Next up


From him you will get all kinds of sweets like cake, doughnuts or candy! All of his desserts are handmade!

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Ball Boy!

Look at his balls! He can show you tricks and will eat together with you when you're lonely!

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Showman Baby!

She's the leader of the bunch! Baby always knows what to do and will help you as well as she can!

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The Lion!

A friendly soul that likes to be pet! But attention when you give him snacks, his teeth are sharp!

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Unicycle Freddy!

He is faster than you think! If you ask nicely you will possibly get a ride around the circus!

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Mr. Talks-A-Lot.

We hope you like to listen, because with him you won't have time to speak!

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Snacktime Chica!

Who wants a pizza? Of course YOU want one! Our slightly overweight chef knows the best recipes!

#fnaf #bcm #fnaffangame #circussaturday

Carnival Bonnie!

He's the man for merchandise and other great stuff! But he could get mad if you try to negotiate the price!

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Tightrope Ballora!

Like a real mother she will look after all the kids in the circus! This warmhearted dancer is kind, affectionate and gentle!

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The Tiger!

He's a little bit hyperactive if you play with him! He could hurt you with his claws when you try to pet him!

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