10 months ago

WebGL go brrrrrr



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day 32₆ of kaleidoscope posting

day 30₆ of kaleidoscope posting

day 34₆ of kaleidoscope posting

Cormac´s shield animation

#pixelart #indiedev #gamedev

day 25₆ of kaleidoscope posting

Deltafall Menu

day 33₆ of kaleidoscope posting

day 23₆ of kaleidoscope posting

We are back! We haven't been posting for a while since we switched from Unity to Godot, it took us a while to get used to the new engine, we also changed the name of the studio and basically restarted all the development of the game.

@MONODO #Bawco #Cutout⁠s

i posted wiþ permission

paper format: • ISO‑216 A4 • 300 dpi • 5 mm print safe margin • at least 2 mm padding between cutouts


#CraftTemplate #ArtsAndCrafts