STIKBOT Y$ (Roblox BEAR* fangame)

1 year ago


Yes, I took a photo of the update log on Discord if you could tell

I released my Scratch "Bear star" fangame just yesterday and there is some weird words next to numbers I can't figure out, why are they here? That is literally unexpected. Is something corrupting the game? If not, then why is it like that? I think it has been corrupted by the time I released it and I can't get rid of it. So could anyone help?

Perhaps doing a boss fight will complete the first step?

(The version of the game I released is a joke game btw as it has messy assets and stuff, don't criticize me as much since it is supposed to be like that)

Anyways HEYYY [EVERY] !!!!!



Next up

A very ghostly showcase in the towers...

Doin' it again and again


Look in article for both main BEAR* Instalments

Oh boy oh boy an Alternate reality game I have 50% completed

Pumpkin.. Bleh I'm tired, its 2AM..


Scratch 4.0, Projected to released in 2025!

Finally, I don't have to make the Stikbot original remaster html files seperate packages

Halloween Day 16.


I recently updated the looks for the Glue Factory since the three plain conveyor belts would be too simple