The Return to Jax Justun's 6: Dreem End of HHS and Napature Science
2 months ago

Welcome everybody to the "Official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles" Channel!!!! Where we take a look at everything about Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science!!!! Come on in and have some parody seats!!! Cuz we're ready to Ride & Fly!!!!


The Official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Channel

(Message Typed on: July 25th, 2024)

Welcome everybody to the "Official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles" Channel!!!! Where we take a look at everything about Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science!!!! Come on in and have some parody seats!!! Cuz we're ready to Ride & Fly!!!! Which, by the way, I may had said that TWICE already!!!!!

Anyways, here you'll find everything about each single history, backstory, past, present, future, behind the scenes, and everything in between all of that for each single Parody Mascot/Characters, Recalled Parody Mascots/Characters, AND Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of both Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science!!!!! Go ahead folks, have a seat and see you all in the next future updates!!! #EnjoyYourGuysStays!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!

-End of Message


The Parody Mascot/Characters Chronicles of Haxx Hustun Studios (Series One Only):


#HHS Chronicle #1 - Episode One: Chess Greece (Greecey Chess Pieces) - (Created on: July 19th, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #2 - Episode Two: Deathf Fun Snake “DeathfSnake” (Deathf FUN Snake!!!) - (Created on: July 20th, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #3 - Episode Three: Veggiee Spreyer & Veggey Heggey (Vudoo Dolls Or Can NOT TWO Be Brawls) - (Created on: July 25th, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #4 - Episode Four: Gharkbaitte & Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2) (Having Gharkbaittes for Dinner? What a Most with a Ghosty Host!!!!) - (Created on: July 28th, 2024)

Copy of #HHS Chronicle #4 - Episode Four: Gharkbaitte & Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2) (Having Gharkbaittes for Dinner? What a Most with a Ghosty Host!!!!) - (Created on: July 28th, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #5 - Episode Five: Mr. Dynamtapus (Exploding Positive Squid Dynamite) - (Created on: July 31st, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #6 - Episode Six: Mrs. Nudbbal & Mr. Nudbbal "The Nudbbal Twins" (Nudbbalical Magnetic Twins) - (Created on: August 2nd, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #7 - Episode Seven: Wagonlley "The Wagon Pet" (What A Wagonlley & Beautiful Day) - (Created on: Aug. 15th, 2024)

The Recalled Parody Mascot/Characters Chronicles of Haxx Hustun Studios (Series One Only):

#HHS Chronicle #8 - Episode Eight: Drishing "Drish" (Drish it OR Drink it!!!) - (Created on: September 1st, 2024 - September 4th, 2024)

#HHS Chronicle #9 - Episode Nine: Table-Law-Labble (AKA: The Tabble Labbler Pet) & Wolff-Lamp (Too Many Parody Recalls For Moments on End) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!) (Click it at your own risks!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #10 - Episode Ten: Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw" (Dare We Say, How Many More Recalls Do we Have Left in This World???) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

The Parody Cameo Mascot/Characters Chronicles of Haxx Hustun Studios (Series One Only):


#HHS Chronicle #11 - Episode Eleven: Caine & Bubble (A Digital Ringmaster of Bubbley Success!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #12 - Episode Twelve: Zooble “Zooble Rando” (Mixed-Up Or Knott???) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #13 - Episode Thirteen: Desti (Your Desti-Ney Awaits You) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #14 - Episode Fourteen: The Club Box Leader "Mr. TCBL" (ULTIMATE POWER'S YOURS TO KEEP!!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #15 - Episode Fifteen: Tari (A Meta Positive Runner Girl "POPLATION: DEFECTED") - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #16 - Episode Sixteen: Prince Krel Tarron (#ALIENS!!!! In Three, Two, One..... BELOW!!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #17 - Episode Seventeen: Zedd Lighting Ender Dragon (ZLED) The Lighting Dragon (Lightning Ender Dragon of ALL AGES) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)


The Parody Mascot/Characters Chronicles of Haxx Hustun Studios (Series Two Only):

#HHS Chronicle #19 - Episode Nineteen: Fwrog Sttroke (Having an Internet-National Sttroke Again???) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #20 - Episode Twenty: Vlawd-Viarus (#ViarusesEveryWhere!!!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #21 - Episode Twenty-One: Nister Stop-An-Pop (Stop And Pop!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #22 - Episode Twenty-Two: Mr. Getlalickingrish (Candied?? Or Lickerished???) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #23 - Episode Twenty-Three: Of-Vaw-Dozen "Therrance" (Of-Vaw-Dozen From Some Terbulanced) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #24 - Episode Twenty-Four: Volloxibox Vlox & Pink Zightling (AKA: The Pink Motorcrosser 81-Thousand) (Rare Parody Couples in Another Parody Bubble) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #25 - Episode Twenty-Five: Awww Daa Imposter (AKA: A-Di) (Ladies And Gents!!! There's Winners Among Us!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #26 - Episode Twenty-Six: Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp” (AKA: The 12th Evil Cloud Keeper) (Evil Clouds Can't Even Lie about Vampire Stuff) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #27 - Episode Twenty-Seven: Lord Joxxerbux (POP Goes Them Joxxers!!!!) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #28 - Episode Twenty-Eight: Sir I’ll Say Peigg "Eyellsay Peigg Bird" (Eye Say, What's All of This Here??? Explain in Parody Details Please????) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)

#HHS Chronicle #29 - Episode Twenty-Nine: Nelephinnt (Explaining the Nelephinnts in The Rooms) - (Created on: Incoming Soon!!!)



The Official Ender Dragon Kritters Chronicles Series (Part of the Official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Channel)

(Message Typed on: July 26th, 2024)

The Following Episodes right here are part of the Official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Series, known as the "The Official Ender Dragon Kritters Chronicles Series"!!!!! It's where all or just every single recorded messages are created to explain about each captured member of the official line-up of the Ender Dragon Kritters Series!!!! Created by us from Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science of course!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all next time!!!! Have a nice and safe day everybody!!!!

The Ender Dragon Kritters Chronicles of Haxx Hustun Studios (Series One Only):

#EDK Chronicle #1 - Episode One: Zedd Lighting Ender Dragon (ZLED) The Lighting Dragon (The Lightning Ender Dragon of Life & Despair) - (Created on: July 26th, 2024)

#EDK Chronicle #2 - Episode Two: Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED) The Sunlight Dragon (Sunlight-headed of an Ender Dragon Action) - (Created on: July 26th, 2024)

#EDK Chronicle #3 - Episode Three: Harmawn Arshgga Marroun Zombie Ender Dragon (HAMZED) The Zombie Dragon (Zombie Dragon Brains and Flesh for Dinner) - (Created on: August 25th, 2024)

#EDK Chronicle #4 - Episode Four: Beccala Moonlight Ender Dragon (BMED) The Moonlight Dragon (Under Moonlighted VS Mighty Knighted) - (Created on: September 6th, 2024)


(Message Typed on: July 25th, 2024)

So yeah guys, this is the official post of all of the episodes for the entirety of the Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicle Series!!!! They'll be still more to come in the nearest future so yeah!!!! Be prepared for some more future updates!!! And yes!!!! This similar and exact stuff will also be for the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles as well too!!!!!! Anyways, have a nice and safe day and see you all next time!!!! #HaxxHustunStudiosChroniclesDay!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToNapatureScience!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!

-End of Short Message!!!!!!



Next up

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Characters #43, #44, #45, & #46 - Juliet, Cordelia, and Rosalind Starling & Nick Carlyle - All From Lollipop Chainsaw Afternoon everybody!!!! They're finally here!!! Four official #HHS #PCMCs in one post!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #16 (For Lord Admin) - Created on: September 15th, 2024 Oh, yes!!! There's nothing quite like a safe and relaxing afternoon for an amazing day.....Wait a second here???? Is that what I think it is!?!?!?!!!!

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #3 - Table-La-Labble (The Tabble Labbler Pet) (Created on: April 5th, 2024) & 2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #4 - Wolff-Lamp (Created on: April 25th, 2024) Hello ghost people!!!! We're in future here!!!!!!

just checking in

JJS Parody Depiction #15 (For Mr. Sheffinton "Cheffinton") - Created on: September 14th, 2024 Another official #JJSparodyDepiction has been created for the very last Mall Keeper of Jax Justun Studios known as "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)"!!!! WOW bros!!!!

Doraemon Animatronic

HHS Cartoon Depiction #35 (For Neo Agent 3 & Nieag) - Created on: Sept. 15th, 2024 Whoa!!!! Finally, another official HHS Cartoon Depiction......Wait!?!??! And it's for both "Neo Agent 3" AND "Nieag"????!?!?!!!!! With their official #2ndVersion of them!!!

2024 HHS Parody Character #31 - Jillolagee Calapilloor (Created on: September 14th, 2024) Wow!!!! Haxx Hustun Studios & Napature Science has made yet another official parody mascot/character!!!!

Devlog (September 2024): What the game is coming to.

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Character #17 - Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" (Version #2) - From Splatoon 3 (Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024 - Sept. 15th, 2024) After nearly two months of development, she's finally been created!!!!