1 year ago

Welcome to my new series of reworking classic TF2Freaks', gameplay.

Today will be: Painis Cupcake


Much like VSH, he has a super jump but he can't turn while doing it, but if he wants to, he can lock on to a nearby enemy to leap at them for a kill at the cost of a super jump.

If he inspects a gib he will eat it, giving him some health, at the cost of an eating animation that might make him take damage if he's in the midst of many.


Much like VSH, his rage turns him invulnerable but he gets a reskinned Original that spits shovels instead of rockets that are the speed of a flare but they have no explosion radius and the weapon has only one clip of 5 rockets.



Next up

Now that I've recovered enjoy an improvement of a (relatively) old OC :3

Man, tf did I do?????

I'm loving this old Rise of The Triad end screen

It just sounds so desperate I LOVE IT

"You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best!"

We need him back

Pyros on pl_upward


@Revkie , I KNOW you're scrolling rn

"Hold still!"

You know, usually I get super depressed when a series that I love and have loved for pretty much a decade ends.. But this ending was so damn good that I can't even begin to say what I love. I was actually shaking in emotion at the end.