3 years ago

Welcome to the monke museum

where we can see a lot of peeps saying "Monke"

Sometimes I swear and stuff

https://gamejolt.com/p/20-likes-and-i-buy-these-free-shipping-so-isi5b3yu <--- I never bought it lol

Also fanart and shit.

Old pinned post: https://gamejolt.com/p/this-is-my-1-000-post-so-pwease-get-it-to-100-likes-i-will-aprecia-jq6hr4af

Don't ask about the last one




Next up

Well that’s unlucky

Whatever, I’ll take it anyways

Not my best day so this is just a spit in the face but shiny is shiny

This is me

Anyways I'm going to beddddddd byeeeeeee

Good morning

Is that a shiny.

Im gangsta

HeroelGato day is coming

She’s here

Super busy day ahead of me gg


Do a crime