horrible nights

3 days ago


defitenly i will need spit this to 2 ideas

anyway might answer questions that you guys prob will make

just show them theres any


the original game idea is simple

is gonna b e called as ''eternal circles of purgatorial agony''

inspired a bit in hours and demon crest

all characters prob will have their own campain

and alt vers of that or in other words same bullshit with a different character

confirmed characters for now

nulli, hazy

shivereye, fritter

HATERD, yloh

vessel, idk


the other punishmenter, hell

malicious, murd

minotaur, ¿¿¿¿¿¿

and prob cleri, zeffect



Next up

alright brb

might i spit the ideas in 2 different proyects

time for repre 2 have his moment

early but


i guess i should go do everything by myself

except coding

''the image of all the time''

still saying this oc haunts me in any form


the fact about chris chan's dimensional merge thing sounds a bit funny

motherfucker will practically fucking leave the world blind only to see who rules it

good thing it is only part of chris's mind

any character that died and make you think that he or she deserved it¿

any media like animation or games

doesnt matter actually


this thing still in devlopment

art stage i guess

just hope that this doesnt end like any game like fnati 4.0


change of plans chaps

chap 1 artist will be


also we are also taking off the humor of last game in this one

say goodbye the horn of nulli's

last time

if this dont work

will turn everything in st2d

you know the rules


7 calification for get hired

last leak for chap 1

''hope you like rabbit holes''