4 years ago

Well, I saw others making quizzes about themselves, so why not give it a shot myself?

How many people actually pay attention to my stuff/ get my vibe to answer all of these correctly?


Plz write your name as your Gamejolt @ :D

And yes, I know I'm late. I don't really care though because this is fun :D



Next up

Hope is many things. A gentle soul. A guiding presence. A gift to the world. That is what the villagers say. But for all the praise and admiration they shower upon them, the people of Whitefield forget that Hope is still just a child.

Trainer Hope AU (OC)

More old doodles featuring Hope, but they're in the Pokemon World this time.

Their partner Pokemon is a young Alolan Vulpix they've affectionately named Fluffy! You'll find they're similar in more ways than one.

There once was a kid named Lucky, whose name was ironic because the Gods have a very peculiar sense of humour.

The Elegant Mr. Rooster 🐓



Hi to all! If you happen to be collecting my stickers, I'm curious to know how many you've mastered so far! Now's the time to flex those emojis and screenshots of what you've got. Who knows? This might be important later...

Bros smooth with it

With a book and quill in hand, Raziel sought to record every impassioned speech, every brilliant word that was uttered by his Creator.

Magpie (OC) - WIP

Spur of the moment drawing to test out some pens I downloaded from Medibang

Not sure if I'll finish it, but I'll post it here just to keep track of progress developing my second style.


Drawing Volt in 60 seconds or less!

Fun Fact! The name of the song you hear is called Lightning. How fitting!

WHILE YOU'RE HERE, I STRONGLY encourage you to vote on the poll linked below! I need as many responses as possible to move forward with a plan!