FFC Universes
3 days ago

Well Well Well... I Guess Story Mode Took Longer To Finish so now i will give you the choice (read more)

well the vote will be simple : the Option that gets the most votes Will Be Made First

And a another vote will be created to let you chose the next thing to make

option 1 : i or the other devs will make dlcs for every characters in FU in ucn mode so you will be able to play with vesdy From Vesdy's Horror Show Rebooted or even with Gary From Stayin' At Rodneys 3 (shortest wait time)(V5.0.6.O1)

option 2 : Obviously Finish Story Mode (longest wait time)(V5.0.6.O2)

option 3 : It Will add Collectables to get from UCN Mode And even the main menu or from demo mode(story mode) and those can be traded for FU points wich also can be traded for achivments early acces interview and even Help Wanted Gameplay !!! (Long Wait Time)(V5.0.6.O3)

option 4 : your own fanart will be added in the credits at the end of the story mode or even in the "main menu > Extra > FanArts"(short wait time)(V5.0.6.O4)

option 5 : Will Make A DLC That Will Enhance The Screen Resolution to 1080p or 1080x360 pixels wich will also mean that the other screen resulotions will be finished, also it will change the art style to a better one(Very Long Wait Time)(V5.0.6.O5)

at the end when all of those additions will be added the version name will be V11.0.8 the called "final" version of chapter 1, and thank you

  1 vote 11 days left



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Meet Echo !

Meet MrFluffyBottoms

FullGame Realease's On Version 5.0.6 !!!!

Teaser 6.19.24

FFC Universe Is near to the 200 views !

Guys don't worry I'm cooking rn cant show much though so here's a tree :D

Meet Toothy

Meet Siena !

* FNAF Scratch Hub comes to an end *

FNAF Fangame Committee:

O K, i extended version of the demo will be realeased soon :D