Welter Brothers
7 years ago

Welter Brothers FULL VERSION now is up!!

What’s up soldiers!
Just uploaded the FULL VERSION of Welter Brothers , nice right?
Why don’t you check it out and tell me what do you think! It would be greatly appreciated.

Early Access-to-Full Version Changes :

  • Scores board fixed.

  • All errors that appear in the console are fixed.

  • Optimized to run faster and better.

  • Player controlling system , is changed from walking towards the mouse , to just looking towards the mouse and walk vertical and horizontal according to the buttons. (W - up , S - down , D - right , A - left)

  • The gameplay part (Players,Zombies, and environment) has been re-skinned , and now fits the game better.

  • 10 Overall characters added :

  • Destroy bullets and shells (bullet shells) after a period of time. If they don’t get destroyed they’ll fill up the map and slow it down.

  • Randomized ground settings. (It’ll look slightly different each time , but stay the same ground , would randomize more in the soon future).

  • Added Player and zombie kill effect.

  • Bullet system made better + bullet now gets destroyed on hit.

  • Sounds like shooting effect fixed.

  • Copyrights updated.

Thanks a lot for your support,



Next up

Check out "Go Back Home" ! Hey guys! Have a look on our new game “Go Back Home” [ ] , it’s registered in AdventureJam 2017 , so we need your ratings as well to win the jam! Thanks a lot :D

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