3 days ago

What do you think Fox is doing with his old art book?



Next up

Finally Gay month is almost over fuck you faaaaaguckin annoying gay people finally I can be a victim of a hate crime again XD

This has happened to me before.../j

Horny bastards fine I'll wear the sun dress

Finished Hectors ref sheet for ArtFight β€ΌοΈπŸ™ Still gotta rewrite his information... 😭THE SERVERS ARE DOWWNNNAJWJ SOBS

@di3d_vi4_cl0wn gave me some clothes to try on

Finished my first attack and I'm already tired πŸ˜­πŸ™

Artfight still won't load for me.. I'll post this attack later

Join this fellow Art Fighters

When your gf says she'll buy you a dress

Thigh highs from hot topic are so comfy