Demented Nightmare
2 years ago

What happened?

You may have noticed that I have been absent for quite a while. I'm sorry about that. I have a lot to say. Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.

First off, the worst part: Demented Nightmare is delayed indefinitely. This is for a lot of reasons, and I can try to explain some of them. But the main one is a personal reason that I can't really discuss here. Just know that I would not "cancel" the game if it wasn't the only option.

When I started development in late July, I would stay up until past sunrise working on the game, and get 3 to 4 hours of sleep. I loved working on it and was extremely motivated. Then, around October, some things happened that I don't wish to discuss and my over all health deteriorated rapidly. I worked on the game minimally, hoping that I would quickly recover. I did not. I have slowly been getting better, but I am not in a place where I can commit to a big project right now.

So why do I say "delayed indefinitely" and not canceled? Well, I might revisit the game at some point. If I did, it would look a lot different. It would be a lot smaller, and more story-focused. I would completely start over from scratch (except I would probably keep the character models because they're awesome).

I always said that this would be the only fangame I make, and after this I will focus on original games. I have had an idea for an original game since before development started on this one, and maybe I'll give that a shot at some point. But honestly, I don't know.

Fangame Indirect is cancelled as well. I managed it horribly, which is ironic because part of why I started it was because of how poorly managed other similar events were. Basically, it got way bigger than I anticipated and I couldn't keep up. And that's entirely my fault.

I had a lot I wanted to say here, and I don't think I've said all of it, but honestly I can't remember all of it. If I think of other things to say, I'll make more posts.

Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you. I never expected so many people to be excited about my little fangame, and for that I am eternally grateful. Maybe I'll see you again, maybe I won't. But either way, I am glad I was able to go on this journey, even if it didn't end the way I would have liked.

(I will stick around for a little while to respond to comments and answer questions, so feel free to say/ask anything you want here)

So long, and thanks for all the fish :)



Next up

i only have the head done, and bonnie is already scarier than freddy (before anyone asks, i didn't just copy freddy's head and make it purple. bonnie's head was made from scratch, though he does have the same teeth as freddy for now)

the pain is unbearable.

Updates to the Page!

Things Are Happening

testing different eye ideas, which do you like better?

old (left) vs new (right)


finished Empty Bonnie (for now)! i really like how he turned out. next is chica, then foxy :)

New Thumbnail! (It's animated, so cool)