26 days ago

What Happens ween you don't accept a gift?

I always accept them all even the ones I don't really want because I don't want them to turn into nothing

if they where to just be send back or give me to option to gift them to someone else that be good, I think

I'm been thinking about this for a while now and expressly ween I got a Roblox SickerPack from someone.

You see I'm not a bit Roblox fan and would have rater had a Roblox fan getting them then me

I'm still happy ween I get gifts on here, just a bit sadden ween I don't know what happens if I don't accept them since someone used there coins for me



Next up

what a Lovely #Beach, right? ^^

I work so hard on this. and yet I know in a few years I'm not gonna like it XD but hey I tryd and that's what counts ^^

Here is a sketch doodle I made as a Server PFP idea for a Friend's RolePlay StoryBook DiscordServer

It's the #ArtWeeklies theme #DeadLands even so I didn't really make it look that dead ^^"


We've got a riddle for ya: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? We'll post the answer next week!

@_Utrechko_ FanArt

Third Pic of First Row

Game Jolt's celebration of STAR WARS has begun!

Check your quest log to learn how to celebrate!

The quests will leave YOUR galaxy at 4 pm UTC on May 11.

May the Force be with you!

GJ Pro-Tip: The STAR WARS reward pack has also returned to the Shop!

#GJAsks #CrossOver

Good Question, Good Think I ask ya if other Media works too UwU

But I still don't really have an Anwser for you

GUESS WHO IS BACK ONLINE OVER PC!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

omg I'm on for like 5 sec and already have all of my quest done lul well to be fear I missed a lot so no wonder

The Gifter's Gauntlet 3 Has Ended!

Congratulations to @TheHyperSloth on dethroning @LUKELCS ! They earned 1,014 points which broke Luke's record of 751 points.

Congratulations to the new Chad, the Sad Chad, and everyone on the leaderboard!

I made Hatters aka Panda @MichaelMayonnaise in #GachaLife2 with different versions

I forgot to make some pictures without hat and hair but oh well. I also feel like I made some other mistakes but oh well again

#Panda #PandaBoy #Furry #Cute #Gacha #GL2