14 days ago

What if Young engineer and Bad soldier wore helmets?

Taking advantage and releasing some drafts of Team Fortress: Let's rock! Here we see the Young engineer and the Bad soldier wearing the helmets they were supposed to wear, just like their old predecessors, but due to some problems, they didn't use them in the war. Young engineer liked his helmet... the bad soldier, as he is a BAD soldier, couldn't use it.

Aproveitando e lançando alguns rascunhos de Team Fortress: Let's rock! Aqui vemos o Young engineer e o Bad soldier usando os capacetes que deveriam usar, igual seus antecessores antigos, mas devido a alguns problemas, eles não usaram na guerra. Young engineer gostou do seu capacete... o bad soldier, como é um MAL soldado, não conseguiu usar.



Next up

Por que parece que um terremoto passou por aqui?

Why does it feel like an earthquake passed through here?


Bem... o fim.

Over the moon at the response to the new Scout design for TFF.

I will not be posting too much about the project yet, but as a treat I wanted to share the design process and inspiration for Scout, as well as RED/BLU-only versions.

Quem é essa mulher?

Who is this woman?

A altura dos mercenários de Team Fortress: Let's rock!

a character created by a fan?

Meet the mime, Zoe

Candy cane