Mag game

7 months ago

What is happening with Mag Game?

Pls Read the article

Hello, I'm BAIRONG_Games and I'm going to make a post about some situations starting with what makes me most comfortable.

1._What has been happening these days?

Really, what I have dedicated myself to is advancing with my main TMM game and starting to experiment with new skills that will help me in the future. I have also dedicated myself to my personal life to fix some issues and simply feel better about what I do.

2._Has there been any progress?

There has been good progress in development during that time, some essential parts of the game are almost finished, but remember that I am doing this game in the background while I develop my main project although I have also been preparing some ready posts about this game and maybe soon I will be revealing them

3._Deleted members

This topic has been going on for a long time but I feel that it is still important, who has not heard there were at least 2 members eliminated from YP, the first was Box games with the name FnafProduction which was expelled for representing a danger to the members and because he was previously involved in controversies in the past, then Gaaftun would take his place, who was later expelled for violating the rules and due to these situations, his characters were eliminated from the game.

3._Your canceled project

This topic also has some time that passed and something that I did not want to touch on, I cannot give a context about this since it was sudden, when that happened some asked me what will happen to mag game, for their part the majority of the community had good comments of encouragement towards mag and the game, but also on the other hand there were some who did not take it very well at that time, on the other hand there were comments like (Mag killed this game, or it is better to cancel it, your effort was in vain or that this game will remind mag of his failure), they were regrettable comments but I also realized something, first of all YP1 had already been completed days before or after the publication of this page when I presented the last fangame of the Automata's Initiative, so that the only thing that was affected was YP2 and YP3, after this there is really nothing to say on my part.

Will Mag Game be cancelled?

I have no good reason to do it, even when all this happened, because I didn't want to cancel it and after analyzing that issue, YP1 was finished and the game will be too. If this project is canceled it could be for several reasons, but especially if Mag feels uncomfortable with this due to the current situation and prefers that it be better that this be canceled, he has the final say on the matter.

And, I tried really hard to cancel it just like that.

Well this is it, just a post to summarize what has been happening with the game in general and some topics that I feel should not be overlooked.

Any questions you have, I'm willing to answer them.

Have a nice day everyone



Next up

New remodels

Get to know the band better

Today I present to you

BG_Bunny or Carry Remodel

My OC set for projects

Toy Bonnie Finished

Model by me

Modeling in 2 days


This is dead?

Company Notice

Game page Open!

What is mag game??

Pls read the article

Feliz San Valentín

OH MY GAH! The Demo Version of Night at Nuggit's IS NOW AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!!! Enjoy, and hopefully this gets you excited for the full release!

#fnaf #fangame #chiknnuggit

Some wips