Five Nights at Roblox: Reboot
4 years ago

What my Five Nights at roblox games take place in

Fnar 1: Roblox's Chill Hangout pizzeria

Fnar 2: Victor's Animators Pizza place

Fnar 3: A horror attraction

Fnar 3: Chapter 2: A Family Diner

Fnar 4: Mansion

Fnar 5: a Warehouse

some similarities are from @di523237 and @TheRedSweaterGuy



Next up

When Someone Posts in this community that they wanna be a moderator

It's time now i get a new program bois!

When you are Almost at 6:00 AM In the game but then you get jumpscared by someone (this is only a meme and a joke)

Bros smooth with it

YEEEE! FINALLY I HAVE VEGAS PRO! now it's time to make better game trailers!


heya guys! i'm working on a cool new update for this game! here is so far a screenshot!

Here is Cooper Plushie Fan art for @Inferno2315400 !

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)

OMG YES! (I also saw @MidaGames 's game too, lol)