Belle Boomerang

15 days ago

What's an Insectile? πŸ›

Insectile is a clever, turn-based RPG about puzzlingly shaped bugs! ...And now it has a Devlog!

If you enjoyed the charm of Belle Boomerang, I know you are going to love Insectile, So, give it a follow!




Next up

Working on a new feature where enemies preview their attacks through little thought bubbles.

I think this adds a really fun layer of strategy! Your actions can be used to subvert enemy plans!

Ask me anything August 15th at 11am ET! Join me on

My favorite questions will win a Nintendo Switch game key!

I am very excited to unveil theΒ Nintendo Switch trailer for Belle Boomerang!

Get it TODAY on the Nintendo eShop!

I've been drawing sprites for the primary rival in Insectile! πŸ„ He's arrogant, he's mischievous, and he's very evil... It's Agar!

We have a logo! πŸ›

...And a new Devlog!

If you want to be the first to know about any Insectile-related news (including an upcoming demo), be sure to give the Devlog a follow by clicking the little link beneath my username!

Have a good day! 🐌

Tallied up the votes on the Insectile logo from across all platforms. C won by a smidge! So, I'm going to combine some elements of it with D. Stay tuned for progress updates!

I will start answering questions in 15 minutes!

Join me on!

#BelleBoomerang #NintendoSwitch #indiegame

Another sketch to completion! You guys seemed to love the last one :)

This time, it's a little house for a mushroom person. Look at all the home improvement!


I know I posted the battle system earlier today but I hyper focused and it's way different now! There are still some placeholders, but is there anything else I can do to make it look pretty?

Peep my previous post for a blast to the past! (8 hours ago)

Happy #ScreenshotSaturday!

Fellow indie developers, show me your projects below!

Don't forget to preorder/wishlist Belle Boomerang on Nintendo Switch!