Hehehe, WELL WELL, I've got a SHOCKER for ya! For the next 8 WHOPPING DAYS, it's gonna be yours for just a SINGLE BUCKAROO! Enjoy, enjoy! But then, ZIP! I'm vanishin' into the ether, gone like a shadow in the night! But fear not, my updates, my precious updates will still grace this page - oh, the logs of change! No more wild sales, no sir, not for a spell! Was tryin' to catch [EYES], some attention, but alas, it seems a new scheme, a new plan, a DIFFERENT strategy is what I need. Heh heh, keep your eyes PEELED, 'cause I ain't done yet, not by a long shot!
Next up
"Assassins, Cults and Fungi Oh My" DR4X Changelog #86 2/18/2024
Rolled a 13.
It’s still free.
Forgot to roll yesterday so i'll roll twice today. First one.
Still free.
Changes for 0.1.28 below:
Rolled a 12. Still free.
Someone got the bad ending... DR4X Changelog #80 11/05/2023
Oo actually got 4 downloads yesterday. Hope folks like it! Anyway dice time!
Rolled a nat 20. Man i feel like I should do something special for this but I can't come up with anything.
Still. Free. Though.
And second one...
Still free.
Baa. DR4X Changelog #81 11/24/2023
Rolled a 6.
That was close.
Still. Free.