Evil Never Dies
7 years ago

What's Next for Evil Never Dies?

Evil Never Dies has been in development for almost a year now..

While I wanted to release it much earlier last year it just wasn’t happening mainly because I am simply not comfortable releasing a game into the hands of players that I don’t feel is ready and I definitely do not want to be one of those cliche developers that tosses gamers an unfinished game with almost nothing to do.

The game is already 100% Playable however, there is still much to do in the game to get it to a point of a good release and until that happens it will be delayed. My goal and new years resolution for 2018 is to ultimately finish it before on or before October 2018 or bust.

Currently, here’s an updated list of things I am working on or still working on and What’s Next for Evil Never Dies..

#1 ENHANCING THE ENEMY AI - The AI is functional at a basic level but I want to improve upon this to make things more fun and challenging to players mainly because the enemy isn’t attacking properly and still getting slightly stuck in a few areas so I am working on this on a continued basis.

#2 IMPROVING & OPTIMIZING TREES - The original trees in there were a combination of static and also a handful of animated trees. This created two problems. On one hand it looked okay but slightly odd in the game even though you as a player are too busy fighting or looking around to really notice. And on another hand though the handful of animated trees were even worse as it was discovered that this was causing severe fps drops which for players is extremely bad. As a result I am replacing both not only to make it look more coherent but also to provide newly optimized trees that are fully animated while also swaying in the wind!

#3 CHANGES TO GAME MAP - For both the reasons in #1 and #2 I am also improving and modifying the game map for a better layout. The map is pretty much open world and I want to give players the freedom to explore but also to lay ground for expansion with a few things I am going to be adding in to kick things up a notch. No, it won’t change the cost of the game either even though it should but, it’s staying at $4.99!

#4 CURSE SYSTEM - The curse system still needs a little work and adjustment since it’s not fully integrated yet but it will be very soon with at least 3 different random curses to catch you by surprise!

#5 PROJECTILE SYSTEM - Even though the gun works and shoots and is animated nothing really comes out of it so I want to add that in too just to spruce things up a bit and make the action more lively!

There are a couple other minor things as well but that is mainly it just to give you guys an update on what’s going on with the game project. I have mainly been working on #2 and #3 the most as of right now but, I will be working more on the other parts that will follow once those are fixed and out of the way.

During development I am keeping a couple things in mind while creating the Evil Never Dies:

(A) It Needs to be Fun & Replayable..

(B) It Needs to be Achievable..

(C) Put in my Heart and Soul..

(D) Keep it Simple Stupid..

(E) Less is More…

Overall, the main concept here with my work is that I want to keep things uniquely fun with some horror and evil that doesn’t always play fair without going too over the to. But, more importantly if I’m bored after a few rounds I know you’ll get bored too and that’s not what I want.

Does that mean the game will never get finished? Absolutely not, just some delays here and there but it is definitely getting released this year not to mention that I am also anxious about working on other game projects like BattleForte and another one I am working on with a friend where i’ll be able to take what I’ve learned from here and apply it there!

I want to provide players with a game that will push your limits but, also taunt and reel you back in for more!



Next up

BattleForte has changed moreso and is finally going in the right direction, more to come and here's a Teaser of what it looks like now! :)

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