Great Gold Bird, Great Dark Yawn

5 years ago

What's your most vivid memory of your childhood home?

The attic was connected to my bedroom, and I never once went up there. Probably because my dad told me they chained my twin sister up there, and fed her fish heads. Who can say?

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Next up

Holllly smokes, you guys! We broke 10,000 followers over the weekend- and we could hardly even believe it! Thanks so much to Gamejolt for all the support, and to all of you for the love! We’re cutting a gameplay trailer now and should have it very soon!

From the outtakes pile: "ghost animals staging a backyard rendition of the Cherry Orchard." haha But seriously, sorry for the long radio silence you guys, but we are now officially in CRUNCH TIME!! Final turn in of all our assets is just a month away!!

Sorry we've been a little radio silent, recently! We've stepped up our production pace, and are heavy in the fog of tweaking final writing/voiceovers/sound design/music! But, we did find this washed out polaroid just laying around...

Sorry for the radio silence. We've experienced some personal and professional setbacks that are not worth getting into, but we're back on track and looking for a publisher to help us complete the game! Thanks for your support. It keeps us going. More soon

What's the most vivid memory of your childhood home?

The attic door was connected to my bedroom, and I never once went up there. I was terrified of it. Maybe because my dad told me they chained my twin sister up there, and fed her fish heads. Who knows?


Well friends, it might not look like much from this pic... but we did it! It's officially a wrap! What you see here are the final docs we hand to our beloved programmer to sort out! Looks like we'll be bringing Great Gold Bird to you guys Spring 2020!!

Oh you know, just some last minute game additions from our Derek Van Gieson... wonder what he's cooking up with these sketches? We are SO CLOSE you guys!

Mystery train... with a few more characters. You'll see their faces soooon!

Is that a pirate radio station hosted by a multidimensional spectral DJ?? Who can say! Courtesy of Derek Van Gieson. <3