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Thank you @RaiderGirlChell for the animated avatar frames

@MezoSoom you have been added to the banner

And anyone want to be in the community banner just mention me in your post and I will check it then add it

this one's a classic 🗿 by marvin blend #shapeofyou

Okay so I just want to make an announcement that I dont think Im going to make music anymore for CAF because in the game we only plan there to be 3 minigames and I already made music for all 3 and I dont want to do ambience. so I made one last song.

I haven't draw any art for a while

So this for @FwD

Finally i created my own community!

You can join if you want!


I was searching in my files in google drive then I found this screenshot when I was playing minecraft with my brothers @mntder_yt and @the_lovers_of_vini when we went to kill the ender dragon


Finally got the trophy 🏆