8 years ago

What to expect in 2017 ?

2017 is coming, and Stem will get more updates !

Despite my busy schedule, I will try my best to work on Stem on my “free” time. Don’t expect weekly releases though, quarterly will be more probable. But I will nevertheless add content, new mechanics and more !

So what’s the plan for this upcoming year ?

Well, first, I plan to add more content such as new weather events (such as sandstorms, blizzards…), new enemies (like footsteps, weed control chemicals, more animals…) and new sounds and music tracks.

Then, I would like to implement new mechanics. The main one is the use of DNA to get upgrades (better speed, better resistance, better use of resources, etc…). I am already working on this feature and it should appear in a nearby future. The second one I would like to implement is the ability for the player to play different kind of plants, some being available from start, others to be unlocked.

This will lead to achievements. Most players love to collect achievements nowadays and I a one of them. Some features in the game will be available by completing achievements, playing different kind of plants is one of them.

Also, I will probably add a leaderboard to the game. You’ll be able to challenge your friends that way !

Finally, I will tweak few things (I am lying, I will tweak a lot of things !), such as difficulty balancing, visual effects, controls, etc…

What’s the schedule now ?

Well, keep in mind this is a rough schedule and as my work is time consuming (let’s say I have my own business and already work around 70 hours a week). Therefore changes will happen. But as a rough guideline to myself, here is what I planned.

End of March / beginning of April - release 0.3.0

Adding the DNA mechanics and the ability to upgrade your plant. Adding new enemies (foot steps is currently in development) and weather events.

End of July / beginning of August - release 0.3.1

Adding achievements and leaderboards. Adding new enemies and weather events.

End of November / beginning of December - release 0.4.0

Adding the ability to play different plants with different abilities.

Stem will become a better game and you’ll love it even more !
Happy new year 2017 !


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Next up

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Chiaki Nanami!

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

Have a good Boi


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Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

Why walk when you can jump?

Levels' maps.

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D