As we’re getting ready to enter Loose Cannons into the Utah Game Wars, we are taking many steps to spice up our game to sparkle and shine. We’ve got our programmer, Adam, hard at work fixing bugs, and our cultist priest, Zarzarath, working even harder with blood rituals in hopes to sway the judges.
What that means for you is that it won’t be long to play Loose Cannons in a new way with your friends! Here are just a few things that you can anticipate in Loose Cannons Ver.4.0 coming to Gamejolt next month!

Our main goal with Loose Cannons is to create a game with enough variety for players to compete. Above you can see our beloved ManDog, the dimensional demon known for his love of not blinking. Here he is demonstrating his aerial move, whipping enemies with his tendrils. In Ver.4.0, you’ll come to find that every character will have new moves. Instead of being more-or-less re-skins of each other, characters will have more differentiation to accommodate different play-styles. Some characters were even lucky enough to get complete make-overs.

Aside from Marshal now being even more awesome, there are even more things to expect. Players will be able to play in more exotic locales which will have more arena mechanics to play around in. It’s also not far-fetched to expect power-ups, as many of you have suggested.
We are very excited for you all to play the next update, and hope you are excited, too! You can expect Loose Cannons Ver.4.0 to hit the site in mid July, so keep an eye out.
As mentioned before, we are workig hard for the Utah Game Wars, and we would love your support! Drop us a line on our twitter @MONSTER_GROOVE and tell us what you’d like to see in our next update or just say “Hi!”. Unlike Zarzarath, we won’t bite.