3 Nights with the Sketched Ones (a.k.a. no ******* way, koob is making a fnaf fangame that isn't top down. holy **** that's (not) impressive)

4 days ago

Whatever-thly reminder that this thing will be finished someday. Delays may happen, but this son of a gun ain't gettin' shelved, unlike my previous project.


big sos



Next up

This is where my villain arc starts.

(on an unironic note: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset by the fact this Jenny plushie will likely never come back & not ship to where I live ever)

the spong lore continues to grow & so does my regret of making this.

ikemen :3

Devvy Update: Currently attempting to turn on the cameras. If they'll work, we might just see new "sketchy" guests.

My unbridled powers of 'staying up 'till 11:30 {or so} PM' & 'cursed edits thanks to GIMP' have kicked in.

#GJAsks (idk like you, but I'm pro'lly one of the people that thinks of this game positively... also I could see potential in a remake of this game... which probably won't happen, but a man can dream)

Who the fuck thought putting Community Posts alongside Videos on YouTube's front page was a good idea? This looks ugly as fuck; whoever decided on it should get kicked outta their job (for logal reasons, let's say that last bit was /heavyj).

the big boi