3 Nights with the Sketched Ones (a.k.a. no ******* way, koob is making a fnaf fangame that isn't top down. holy **** that's (not) impressive)

2 months ago

Poster update: g



Next up

the big boi

My, my, what a bright smile you have. Such things can only make you quite a jolly & friendly fellow to be around, right?

(why yes, I am still working on it, how could you tell?)

WTF is happening with GJ servers today.

le funi title drop (granted, I've revealed it under one of my videos, but... Who cares, I reveal it anyway because I said so. Also I might rename the page to it today)

Quick 'lil update (since this game sure as hell needs it): The jist of all the normal nights is done - mechanics & the foes.

Also, I did a slight touch-up to the office to make it darker - that's on the 1st image.


#MyFavoriteGame Spore is my favorite game of all time, genuinely speaking. The "juicyest" reason being the literal ENDLESS potential with what could be created within it, from creatures, to building, vehicles & more.

OK, I may've gotten a bit too into this thing.

After finding a workaround, I finally got my copy of Spore to run alongside its Galactic Adventures expansion. Words cannot express how euphoric I am. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :D