3 days ago

when i eated cheesepizza on the cruise it becomed my favorite pizza, is so delicious

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one of my most favorite green hills ost, is a masterpiece


the second mario kart i had on my life, i played mario kart 7 so many times and is really an awesome game, but like i said, i don't have my nintendo 3DS anymore :<

my first mario kart i had on my life, but it looks so hard on some races, like the ice one, but is still a good game.

You should all go and follow @Starbruhz

He's working on a dope fnaf game with Game Jolt Creators in it, and is just a cool dude in general.

Let's make him a Creator asap by following him!

is really fun to play this game, even though i never tried the mario version, but i know is the same as Luigi Bros i played from Super Mario 3D World, i love it!!

"Hayami-chan" not just "Hayami". reeeee-

Jokes aside, cool seeing people inspired by my work,

keep it up.

i like how burning blaze makes a return on two games, since her form appeared for the first time on Sonic Rush, like the normal character, i'm surprised

going to mcdonald's, hope you guys are all fine

i'll see if i can try some new burgers that i never tried.

Hayami-Chan with a somewhat new look, wooooooh!!

and yes, Hayami-chan were always suppose to be like a Maid-ish kind of character lol.

my favorite sonic's characters