4 years ago

When I was developing Coso 1 and 2 Remake, I recorded some videos so that I can show them to my friends.

I decided to make them public, so there you go!

Coso in clikteam title prew.

This video was the first one ever made. I was working on Coso 1, showing a simple preview of the title screen we all love.

Preview 2

In this video I added a newspaper, and a night starter screen, nothing more.

Preview 3

This video was another preview, just added doors and lights.


In this video I was showing how the power outage and Old Coso mechanic worked. I was actually really proud of myself after making this!

Complete Office Preview

Here I just showed the office and- what is that? A mask? Yeah, for those who didn't know, I was originally going to implement a mask in the game (And fun fact: the mask's sprite and coding are still in the game".

First look at Coso's AI

Well, as you can read this video is just a showcase for Coso's AI, featuring his old and ugly old jumpscare that I still hate nowdays.

Advanced Coso's AI

Just like the Coso's one, this was just a showcase of Advanced Coso's AI. It was really fun and surprisingly easy to code, it only took me 2 days!

Minigame test

yep, the first ever minigame in the Coso's series! (Oh wow the night was really fast in this video :O).

FNaCoso 2 Remake Gameplay test

This was me just beating night 6 and being sure that nothing was off or bugged, by reading the description you can see everything was alright.

Preview Coso 2

A small preview of the title screen and night starter screen we all love, especially me. That OST is so cool.

Five Nights at Coso 2 Preview 2

Just me showcasing the office. Good old days.

Custom night screen

And last but not least, a custom mode preview! I am actually proud because it's not the classic AI level "0 to 20" but instead something different and I don't know if other people made it before me.

But yes, Me very happy with it

And we're done, I accidentally posted this before it was finished so yeah, don't worry about it XD

Coso 3 Gameplay Preview

Just because you were patient enough ;)



Next up

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

This song right here made me like Security Breach, I can't even explain how it's just so good.

The Coso Files

Me and my girl are celebrating our 2nd valentine's day together!!!

Coso designs

Goodbie JOLLY 4 my last fanart for you <3

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

Coso (Tried a different style)

I have an idea for an amazing teaser but the game has priority over it. So you'll receive it later on gamers.

For now, here, take this Springsuit's placeholder image