Five Nights at Jayson's 4

3 months ago

While this is a Joke game, I'd like to reassure people that I'm usually one to put tons of effort into this kinda thing and am really gonna try to make a game that's fun to play!

I hope the goofy non-serious tone doesn't dissuade anyone

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Next up

Despite what it may seem...

And, as I'm sure you can see...

All the main-night enemies have been completed in programming!

I think, after I get the graphics for the Second Closet and Window, I'll actually start with the game's promotional material, including a "reveal" trailer!


This looks like your house, but...

Rat Race Production Update

But the question remains...

Game progress is coming along really well! Half the enemies are coded, most of the graphics are finished, and the rooms are being reworked to be properly functional with the enemy positions!

''Could someone be at my window?''

UPDATE: A fully playable Night 1 build now exists! Soon, the rest of the night shall be made, proper, I just need the last graphics to fully proceed!