14 days ago





Next up

I only realised this evening that my YouTube channel has surpassed 3,000,000 views 🤯

Thank you every single one of you that has watched, liked, subscribed, shared, interacted in any way 🥹❤️ this is my dream slowly coming true.

Seb tired himself out so much bouncing around in his bouncer that he just fell asleep stood up

(Don't worry I took him out & made him more comfortable 🛌)


The Elmore High School

Sleepy snuggles with the boy 👶💤

Woohoo! Today is Homer Simpson's Birthday!

This is YOUR chance to get donut stickers!

(Check your quest log for more info on how to get them.)

Feeding Seb his lunch in the living room so I can keep watching #Fallout 😅 #DadOfTheYear?

HYDROphobic not HOMOphobic 🤦‍♂️😅💦 #DeadSpace

Our celebration of the Spider-Verse has begun! Complete the "Show Us Your Spider-sona" quest to enter to win a copy of the Illustrated Guide to the Spider-Verse from our pals at @InsightEditions !

Tried to save a life! 👨‍⚕️🩻💀 #contentwarning