2 years ago

Who the hell would wanna purchase over 4 grand just for a freaking domain?

I once looked up agesite.com since "Agesite" is our main website name and it turns out, it's on FREAKING sale.

Also, no, we're not spending a penny on domains or website upgrades. Our website is good enough, and it doesn't need to upgrade.



Next up

Nice to see the amount of likes I have had been all filled with my favorite number.

(Or favorite number from my childhood, in case if you become skeptical about it).

Bro’s gonna get sued.

Ever since I’ve been hearing that there was a new fandom going around, I started to look for it.

I found it and…wow, in just one single freaking month, a whole fandom was born.

Just wow, a total shocker.

Tri-Stars has been released, as a video game compilation and another game to celebrate the Ages Team's 6th Anniversary, which includes the first 2 K&F games all in one single build.

The 3rd entry's thumbnail is too bland, so I redid the whole thing.

Heaven Saga is finally ready for launch and I just published this short trailer. Sonic is now ready to take on a new mission. https://youtu.be/DhFZNP1G7zM

Wow, not a single downvote on this.

People just are absolutely addicted to FNAF, aren't they?

Agesite has been completely rebuilt from Wix's new editor tools. You can check it out at the same link: https://papichi05.wixsite.com/agesite

To start off with something more normal, I’ll just go ahead and share some leaks for SPZ’s new level textures, something that AT has been working on for a couple of hours.

It’s , ngl.