Five Nights at Sonic's World / FNaS World: 2.0 Update (Unofficial)
19 days ago

Whoops, something slipped right under my nose, i'm currently working on a fix, on top of adding fullscreen support.



Next up

Patch 1.5.4 released.

So, how's everyone enjoying the emergency update?

How has been your experience revisiting FNaS World?

Patch 1.5.3 released.

Here's some characters reveal for post-release conte- Wait, why its pitch black? Well, you gotta have to find this one yourself.

Happy Valentine's day!

Let's make an interactive post, send your favorite FNaS characters from game order:

FNaS 1, FNaS 2, FNaS 3, FNaS 4, FNaS 5, Extra

The extra slot is to put characters from non-canon/spin off games.

Patch 1.5.5 released.

Quick announcement.

Quick update / 1.5.0 released.

Five Nights at Sonic's found media???? (read article) #fnas