3 years ago

"Why are C++ coders feeling superior to Java coders?"

#coding #cpp #programming

Arrogance! Arrogance and conservatism in its most despicable form! Nothing more or less than that.

What I need to note is that not all C++ coders are like that. I am officially a C++ coder myself, and I despise this behavior. Gives us C++ coders a bad name, you know. The problem is that those who have a revolting attitude like that are the ones who make the deepest impression, and who dominate the views people have. That's not only the case with C++ coders. I can name thousands of groups on which the views are decided by the bad behavior of minority in that group.

Now I do not use Java myself, but I do use C#, which is in many ways similar to Java. This is because I guess you should use the language that fits the job I have to do. For the C++ gurus it's also a mortal sin to use Pascal or languages based on that... Geez... My game STAR KILL is entirely coded in Pascal, so what a sinner I am, eh?

Since C++ is a system language it can do many things Java cannot, however does that make it a better language? No! C++ is nothing more but C with a few extras, and C itself was only a rushed project in order to make Unix portable to multiple systems and never even meant to be anything spectacular. The only reason Bjarne Strourup chose C as the system language to expand with OOP possibilities was merely because it was the language most used, but not because it was the best. Quantity and quality are different things after all.

It's also a bit of conservatism. Trying to reject the fact that there are many things for which the usage of a system language like C++ is possible, but not necessarily the best or most efficient option. Java and C# have a protected environment, meaning that many things allowing you to create a very big mess out of things have been blocked or been made very much harder to access. C++ does not have this protection, and that allows you to do more, but in the same time the chance of messing things up gets higher, and C which has even less protection has a very high chance to mess things up.

I personally don't see why I should use C++ in order to create a quick tool to manage the data for my RPG games. C# and WPF already provided me with a cool environment and within a few days, if not less, I can manage everything I gotta manage, and whoohoo I'm on the roll. The reason I chose C++ to code my Apollo engine was merely because of lack of other options. Most of the game engines out there do not fit my working style, maybe because I developed my working style before these engines came to be. Relying on SDL working things out from there was the easiest way to go, and most of the documentation was only for C. Now as C++ covers a few issues up I wanted to avoid, I ended up there. I have no love for this language (on the contrary, actually), but it does the job, and I'm glad I can use it.

Also note that humans just like to feel superior over the silliest reasons. Like an idiot driving a Ferrari or Rolls Royce who laughs at people driving a Deux-Chevaux. The fact you can afford an expensive car doesn't make you a better driver than those who have a cheap car. Actually there are only two things I care about in a car. That is moves and that it fits the security laws. All else is bonus.

I do not think C++ will disappear any time soon. There are too many libraries people need out there which are only available in C and C++, and not always good ways to import these to newer and more sophisticated languages, but fact remains that C++ is not that special, but more of a leftover from old times and some people can't seem to acknowledge it's not as good as they claim it to be, or which people are sometimes forced to use by lack of good alternatives as there are so many libraries for C and C++, that it's just crazy to get them all ported to newer programming languages. But that doesn't make C++ better or anything. And the need for system languages like C and C++ will always be there.

But if somebody feels superior over you because they can code in C or C++, then you are not dealing with a true coder. Then you are merely dealing with an arrogant git, which you can better ignore. Perhaps you can wonder if they were ignored in their childhood or something that they are now clinging to C++ in order to feel important or something. I dunno.



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