4 months ago

Why I think Valve Will Not Make Major Updates to Team Fortress 2 and Address Its Issues

Valve Corporation, known for its innovative games and the digital distribution platform Steam, has long been a stalwart in the gaming industry. One of its enduring titles, Team Fortress 2 (TF2), released in 2007, has maintained a loyal player base over the years. Despite its popularity, the game suffers from several issues, including rampant botting, hacking, and glitches, leading to widespread calls for significant updates and fixes. However, Valve has shown a reluctance to make major updates to TF2, and several factors contribute to this decision.

The Challenge of Outdated Code

Team Fortress 2 is built on the Source engine, a technology that, while revolutionary at its time, has aged significantly. The game’s codebase, now over a decade old, presents numerous challenges:

- Complexity and Spaghetti Code: Over the years, numerous patches and updates have been applied to TF2, resulting in a codebase that is convoluted and difficult to manage. Making significant changes or fixes can inadvertently introduce new bugs or exacerbate existing issues.

- Security Vulnerabilities: Older codebases often lack modern security practices and protections, making them more susceptible to hacking and botting. Implementing comprehensive security measures in such an environment is both time-consuming and fraught with risks.

Maintenance vs. Overhaul

Maintaining an old game like TF2 involves a delicate balance. Valve must ensure that any fixes do not disrupt the game’s core experience, which players have grown to love. However, patching the game continuously to address issues like botting and hacking is akin to patching holes in a sinking ship. It’s a short-term solution that doesn't address the underlying problems of outdated architecture and security vulnerabilities.

Valve's Operational Style

Valve is known for its unique corporate structure and approach to game development, which can be both a strength and a weakness:

- False Hopes and Promises: Historically, Valve has a tendency to give false hopes and promises to its community. The company has often teased or hinted at updates or new features without delivering on those promises in a timely manner.

- Community Feedback: Valve rarely listens to community feedback when it comes to addressing major issues. This disconnect can be frustrating for players who feel their concerns are ignored.

- Focus on Other Projects: Valve is frequently busy with other work they deem important, such as developing new games, working on hardware projects like the Steam Deck, or maintaining Steam. This often leaves less time and resources for older titles like TF2.

While these operational quirks can be frustrating, they do not necessarily make Valve a bad company. Their approach has led to groundbreaking projects and innovations in the gaming industry. However, it does mean that expecting major changes to TF2 is almost hopeless given the company’s track record.

The Argument for a Remake on Source 2

To truly address the myriad issues plaguing TF2, a more radical solution is necessary: a complete remake of the game on Valve's newer Source 2 engine. This approach offers several benefits:

- Modern Architecture: Source 2 provides a more modern, efficient, and secure foundation for the game. It incorporates contemporary coding practices that are inherently more resistant to hacking and exploits.

- Enhanced Security: Newer engines come with built-in protections and can be more easily updated to counteract emerging security threats. This would significantly reduce the prevalence of botting and hacking in the game.

- Improved Performance: Source 2 is designed to take full advantage of modern hardware, resulting in better performance, graphics, and overall gameplay experience. This would not only make the game more enjoyable but also attract new players.

- Easier Maintenance: A new codebase designed with current standards in mind would be easier to maintain and update. Future patches and updates would be less likely to introduce new issues, ensuring a more stable gaming experience.

The Benefits of Source 2

Source 2, Valve's latest game engine, offers several key improvements over its predecessor:

- Advanced Rendering Capabilities: Source 2 supports more advanced rendering techniques, resulting in better graphics and more immersive environments.

- Improved Toolset: The engine comes with a comprehensive set of tools for developers, making it easier to create, modify, and optimize game content.

- Better Networking and Physics: Source 2 has enhanced networking and physics capabilities, which would improve multiplayer experiences and reduce latency issues.

- Enhanced Modding Support: One of TF2’s strengths is its modding community. Source 2’s improved support for modding would empower creators to develop even more content, extending the game’s lifespan.


While the idea of a Team Fortress 2 remake might seem daunting, it is arguably the most effective solution to address the game’s longstanding issues. The current codebase’s complexity and inherent vulnerabilities make it increasingly difficult to maintain and secure. Transitioning to Source 2 would provide a more robust, secure, and enjoyable gaming experience, ensuring that TF2 remains a beloved title for years to come. Valve’s reluctance to make major updates to the existing TF2 likely stems from these very challenges, underscoring the need for a more comprehensive solution in the form of a modern remake. Despite Valve’s operational style, which often leaves players hoping for changes that never come, the company’s focus on other projects is not inherently negative. It is simply a reflection of how Valve has always operated, and expecting a shift in this approach is, unfortunately, almost hopeless.




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"If Superman was in TheBoys:" Good morning. Today i SMILE, such good news i recieved, cant be happy enough :) Today i will be working on some stuff and improve my skills in Blender and else. I feel pretty good and maybe its going to be my lucky day.

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