3 years ago

Why is E the letter that is memed the most?



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I finished Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid today so here’s my review for it.

It feels weird each time I get a year older. (Aka, it’s my birthday.)

Houdini Splicer fight in 1998 mode - Bioshock: Infinite (Burial at Sea: Episode 2)

Sonic xtreme found footage "fake"

Here is my review for Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro. (spoilers ahead)

Spanish-speaking Lost Media: Undertale HS (High School)

I'm 95% sure this is Lost Media.

I want to know if there is data from this WebSeries.

The images used are examples and do not belong to me.

After a year of promising I would do this and instead messing around and being lazy, I finally did it! Here’s the animatronics’ behaviors on the map for FNAC Remastered! Enjoy. (Also, credit me if you show this to others.)

This is my review for “What If…?”.

[CURRENTLY UNSOLVED] Possible lost build of an english translation of Zoop for the Sega Saturn?

This is my review for Hazbin Hotel season 1.

(Note that I just enjoy the show and it doesn’t reflect my ideas on religion since I’m atheist.)