2 years ago

WIP - Left 4 Dead 2 scene in Blender



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L4D2 Menu Screen Recreated in Blender Not perfectly obviusly since the camera angles are impossible to match 100%. And some objects are not the same due to Menu screen being older version of the mall that had few different details more than release vers.

Dr. Notrespected To be honest Im really disapointed, i really liked Dr.Disrespect but now, well... I dont know even... Immense disapointment.

PEAK CAPCOM MOVE! Waiting for the MvsC4!

Sparky The Dog

From many of the video game characters that I find really likable and well written who is also part of LGBT+ I think Tony Prince is the one. Awesome, charismatic and well made fictional character I think is my favourite. #PrideJolt

Isometric Rooms - Left 4 Dead No Mercy Saferoom 1! Spent few days to put everything together and i love how it looks like! I will also make every other Saferooms from remaining campaigns!

Left 4 Dead - Liberty Mall re-build in Blender, remastered some textures and added normal maps and refection. Generally, looks much more like it was intented by devs as if was made in a modern engine. Comparison Screenshots included. WIP

L4D2 Beta content- On the map that is featured in the games Liberty Mall, you can see that the mall has 2 stated by design exists, in reality in the game there is only 1. Seems like 2nd was cut from game to optimize the map. But forgot this detail in map.

Released my Halloween Mods video for Left 4 Dead 2 finally, getting it done was very hard this time. Had to deal with the anivirus deleting my footages because idk. Anyway, would be great if you pelase could leave a like under it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsYxAKdUnps

L4D2 Vanilla rendered on Blender and the second image is my Props improvement I did to enhance realism and enviroment. I love it alot :D