
Will have to finish this so it will take a few more days!



Next up

First day of winter... ._.

I drew Armenia and Palestine Country Cars in this special drawing because Armenia recognizes Palestine :D

Bro look at Red and Yellow Colour Cars bruh

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

Happy Pride Month everyone!! :D

And made a pfp and banner for the third consecutive year :D

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

Finally, here's the NeoDrivers' 2024 designs

Bro that took me so long to make... πŸ˜“

But still worth it ig... <:)

Free Palestine Art Jam result

Remember, only the Chile and Palestine Country Cars and Brazil ball fanarts are mine, the rest is from whoever joined this art jam

#Joltober2023 #zombie

My pal #Frye is supposed to be team skeletons. But they look so good together n who would deny a photo to #Deadf1sh ? Is like taking a photo with Avicii bro.

Animation test yay :D

Now i have found a way to animate via computer

Btw i just found it yesterday, and today i made this