Wolfy's Hotel 2
1 year ago

Wolfy's Hotel 2's official soundtrack won't be on Spotify anymore.

You can find the soundtrack on my Soundcloud account where it will stay.

Yeah so, on January 26th it will be taken down as I would have to keep paying for it to stay. I am not doing that.

That will be all.



Next up

Merry Christmas 2023!

Congratulations! You have been chosen as one of the few to receive this two week party ticket to our newest Wolfy's Hotel location in Washington state!

Teaser 20 | Teaser 7 remake

This halloween.

Wolfy's Hotel 2 Update will be released.

(Read article [Long])

Teaser 21 | Teaser 8 remake

Teaser 19 (Teaser 6 remake)

Old scrapped/unused/removed teasers of Wolfy's Hotel 2.

Teaser 18 (Teaser 5 remake)

Empress Ellen